You are logged in as demo admin. None of the changes will be saved. Part of the settings are not available. For demonstration purposes only.
Kadence Blocks Pro is not activated. Click here to activate.
After you finish editing and saving the settings, please press the Save and Exit button to exit the settings editing mode. If you leave the site in edit mode, performance will be affected and pages will have a harder time loading.
address_component, adr_address, formatted_address, geometry, icon
This section is only available when the subscription is activated.To enable the subscription, go to Payment Type > Subscription > Enabled.If the subscription is already enabled, fill in the fields below in the Subscription Settings section.To set the level fees, go to Pricing Settings > Fees > Site Fees.
This section is only available when the subscription is activated.To enable the subscription, go to Payment Type > Subscription > Enabled.If the subscription is already enabled, fill in the fields below in the Subscription Settings section.
USDThe base currency to which all the exchange rates are relative. It can't be changed.
If you change the interval, the current featured jobs are not affected by this change.
If you change the number of featured jobs per page and it is less than previous, the current featured jobs will show until their period expires, even if there will be more jobs than the new value.
Go to Payment Gateways to enable more withdrawal gateways.
The "Send email" link from above let you manually send a notification about the price change only to the users affected by it.
To get your withdrawal credentials, follow these steps:
1. Login to your paypal account
2. Go to
3. Select Live or Sandbox
4. Click "Create app"
5. Fill the "App Name" input
6. Select an account
7. Click "Create app"
8. Click "Show" secret field and copy your credentials to the above fields
To get your subscription credentials, follow these steps:
2. Go to
3. Testing Tools > Sandbox accounts > Select the account > Click on three dots button > Click View/edit account
4. Click "API Credentials" tab
Gateway instructionsFill Payoneer Program ID, API Username, API Password for payouts.DEVELOPER -> IPCN -> IPCN Settings (Callback):IPCN Type: ApprovedHTTP Verb: GETURL:
Gateway instructions1. Go to https://dashboard.stripe.com2. Click the "Developers" link in the upper right corner3. Click the "API Keys" link in the left menu4. Copy and paste the publishable key and the secret key
Webhook keyIt will be generated automatically when the first payment is initiated.
Secret Key should be a long string of letters, numbers and symbols. Feel free to generate a unique key using the WordPress Salt Key Generator. define( 'SIMPLE_JWT_AUTHENTICATION_SECRET_KEY', 'YOURKEY' ); ❌ Not defined define( 'SIMPLE_JWT_AUTHENTICATION_CORS_ENABLE', true ); ❌ Not defined
We also highly recommend enabling SSL/HTTPS on your site. ✅ HTTPS enabled
Please add the following to your .htaccess file only if the login is not working in your app.
# BEGIN WPJ API HTTP Auth <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.+)$ RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}] </IfModule> # END WPJ API HTTP Auth
Or, if you're hosted by WPEngine, please add the following to your .htaccess file.SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1
SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1
Please add the following to your .htaccess file if you have CORS issues.
<IfModule mod_headers.c> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </IfModule>
body.wpj-is-iframe #specific-element-that-you-want-to-hide { display: none !important; }
Jobster is the most advanced and feature rich WordPress theme for service marketplace. Developed and maintained by the people who run a successful marketplace of their own.
For more information, visit the following link:
For more information, visit the following link:
WPJobster Version6.2.6
WPJobster License TypeEntrepreneur
WPJobster License StatusActive. Expires on March 22, 2026. You have 9 / 10 sites activated.
WPJobster Latest Release20 dec 2023
WordPress Version6.7.2
PHP Version8.1.29
Session expired
Please log in again. The login page will open in a new tab. After logging in you can close it and return to this page.